Welcome to the introductions of our "New Rules" podcast and service.
Pandemic isolation has created a decade of social evolution in just a few weeks. In the past, companies had time to measure and adapt to their customers' slow evolution but the experience of isolation has created a sudden shift in attitudes and behaviours. Each company has its own unique set of new rules of engagement, some of which create opportunity and some that create huge challenges.
Our first podcast looks at some broad changes and their implications. In future New Rules podcasts, we will interview industry experts to learn how they see the new rules unfolding in their sectors.
Find out more about how you can discover the new rules for your business.
90 seconds of the trigger of change.
90 seconds of how change happens: secondary gets promoted to primary
90 seconds of deep experience with secondaries shifts them to primaries
90 seconds of who pays for and secures the increase in home offices?