Are you ready to move on?
Resolve critical issues once and for all.
I often hear one or more of three frustrations when organizations are wrestling with complex issues that everyone recognizes are critical:
- “We keep having meetings about it but it never gets resolved. So we just keep deferring it to the next meeting.”
- “We have power or culture dynamics that inhibit us from coming up with the right solution.”
- “Every time we think we have a solution, it feels like a weak compromise that nobody supports."
For those of you who have been through a Blueprint before, you know that my facilitation style is to doggedly deconstruct until the solution becomes self-evident. If you need to finally get that stubborn issue resolved, I bring three qualities to the table to get to the right solution when I lead a collaborative conversation in your organization:
- A process that has been proven in over 400 Blueprint collaborations
- A rule structure for the sessions that preempts any power or cultural dynamics from getting in the way of the right solution
- The patience and doggedness to get to a self-evident solution that everyone actively supports without feeling like it is a compromise
Has your patience run out?
If so, I would love to talk to you about how you can resolve complex issues in a way that is:
- Self-evidently and confidently correct
- Has full and active support